Thursday, July 10, 2008

She Walks Like a Lady. A Lady Who Reads.

I went for a walk after work today. At first, it was just to avoid waiting for the streetcar. But then I couldn't stop. I started to understand Forrest Gump's endless run.

My little walk became a two-hour-plus trek through the city.

There's something about sunshine and fresh air that makes me feel alive. I was in a zombie-like state of exhaustion for most of the day, so this new exhilaration wasn't something I was about to cut short. How tired was I today? Let's just say that I forgot how to wash my hair this morning. I remembered to rinse, but I forgot to lather. It wasn't until I was blow-drying my hair (and already running late) that I realized I had neglected to go near the shampoo. Yes, I washed my hair with water. I need sleep.

And so I walked, thriving in the outdoor air. And conveniently, this walk took me past bookstores. Three of them. And I spent money. In two of them. Not much, though (I conveniently discovered unused gift certificates in my wallet). And while it seems impulsive, these little treasures have been on my wish list for some time. So I consider the purchases well-planned and productive in the scheme of my week. And there will be a return on my investment.

ProBlogger is one of my favorite blogs. I'm a daily blog-stalker. Darren Rowse is an Aussie pastor-turned-full-time-blogger with a super-brilliant blog about blogging. He's also one of the guys behind b5media. And he's written a book. A book that I now own. So if you see changes here at on her toes, blame Darren.

And you know who Stephen King is. Misery didn't exactly paint a lovely picture of a writing career, but his book On Writing is a classic in the trade. And I like classics. And I think he knows what he's talking about when it comes to career stuff.

But before I read (or write), I shall sleep. And use shampoo.

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