Monday, September 01, 2008

Third-Grade Book Report: Little Women

I found a book report in a stack of childhood memorabilia. Apparently I read Little Women in the third grade. I was pretty much the most brilliant child ever.

Below are my 8-year-old thoughts on the book. Unedited.
The main setting in the story is in the cozy little home of Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. And there was Meg's house when she was married, which is called "Dovecot." There was the big and roomy house where Jo stayed in New York for 6 months. There was also Mr. Laurence's mansion.

Beth - kind and willing to give and share. She is loving and sensible. She's wonderful to be with.

Meg - likes to be by herself and act like herself. She's a loving and kind mother.

Jo - always wants money. She makes her own clothing. Tries to be as kind as she can.

Amy - joyful most of the time. Young and gentle. Laurie can only fill the hole in her.

It started on Christmas, when the whole household was cozy. But it didn't stay that way. In the story, their bond dies, Meg gets married, has twins, Beth dies so everyone is upset. Their father comes home from war, and Amy gets married so Jo is left all alone. She goes to New York from Christmas to June. She meets old Mr. Bhaer and falls in love with him and Jo gets married to him.
I rated the book a ten out of ten. Which I still would, although for wildly different reasons.

"Their bond dies."
"Jo always wants money."
"Laurie can only fill the hole in her."

Apparently I've always have a flair for the dramatically (and occasionally inaccurate) written word.

The above picture is the exact version sitting on my bookshelf. It was my mom's. There are a few black and white pictures inside, but she colored them in with pencil crayons when she was a little girl. She was a good colorer. In case you were wondering.

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