Sunday, November 09, 2008

He Said WHAT?!

He was bound to slip up one day. But no one knew it would happen so soon....
"Come on. Let's go, Leafs."

~ My dad, temporarily forgetting that he cheers for the Habs. Always. Unconditionally. And especially when playing the Leafs. It was pretty much Dad-profanity.


oncoffee said...

i plead insanity (it may or may not be temporary)

Anonymous said...

What an appropriate photo!

I recently moved to Ottawa, and people here are VERY proud of their Sens. It's anathema to be seen in Leafs apparel.

Walking Church said...

It is because the kid in the T shirt passed gas! Nothing more!

I will affirm Mike's insanity . . . though...Jazz...clarinet..Montreal Habs...


signed..former Leaf fan...I am getting better...much better...really I am..