Sunday, September 06, 2009

Cupcake of the Day

Mmm. Yes, please.

Maybe I should host a Cookie Monster Party. B.Y.O.M.*

*Bring your own milk.


V said...

OH MY GOODNESS. I now know what I'll be making for Noah's 2nd birthday. LOVE.

Katie V. said...

So you supply the coooookies? I'm so there (with milk).

Anonymous said...

Simply amazing! I would be up for a Cookie Monster Party any time! (I am hopelessly addicted to chocolate chip cookies. It occurred to me just the other day that the thought of going a week without a cookie is even more difficult for me to comprehend than going a week without a beer. And I love my beer.)


nadine said...

I guess a cookie party is an order, then, folks :)

Uh, I can't guarantee those cupcakes, though. But if Vanessa wants to show up with a few, she'll be loved forever :) (Or just invite us to Noah's party....)