Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Book Club

I don’t have a book club.

I’m currently reading four books (and my Bible), but no one comes to my house for baked goodies and discussion. And it’s just as well. Instead of my usual biographies, novels and random personal-interest material, I’m diving into some pretty awesome God stuff. And then I talk to God about it. And eat the odd sugary snack by myself.

All thumbs up (thus far) for:

  • SoulSalsa by Leonard Sweet
  • Prayer by Richard Foster
  • Blessing Your Spirit by Sylvia Gunter & Arthur Burk

With all three of these books, I’ve been catching myself doing the read-and-nod. And the read-and-nod-and-cry. And the read-and-nod-and-smile. Not only am I agreeing with what I’m reading, I’m also slightly suspicious that these were written specifically for me. As if God inspired these writers merely to encourage his daughter in Toronto. Hmm. Sneaky God.

While not a book, an honorable mention goes out to Relient K’s latest, Five Score and Seven Years Ago. As I type this, it’s playing in the background. I used to have a bit of a crush on the Relient boys. I think it was because I was envious of their goofiness. Their uninhibited sense of fun. I was the uptight one, wishing I could let my hair down and kick a can of beans in the middle of the street. Or throw Skittles at someone. But no, that would be a waste. Irresponsible. Immature. I was a middle-aged woman at 14. They seemed both spiritually mature (the later albums, anyway) and childlike. And I wanted that.

Maybe one day I’ll have a book club in my living room. When I have a couch that fits more than two skinny people. And we’ll eat brownies and discuss mind-blowing literature. And then play Kick the Can in the street.


michael lewis said...

If I'm not too old by then, and we lived in the same area, I would likely ask for an invite.

nadine said...

You're first on the list, Michael :)